==============VI COMMANDS===========================================
:80,90s/text/replacetext/g -- command to replace a text within certain lines
:70,99w >> filename (to append text from a file betn line nos to filename )
:n1,n2w file Write lines n1 to n2 to file
:n1,n2w >> file Append lines n1 to n2 to file
:1,10w file write lines 1 through 10 to file newfile
:340,$w >> file write lines 340 through the end of the file and append to file newfile
:33,224s/^/hh/ - insert the string 'hh' at the beginning of lines
:33,224s/$/hh/ - insert the string 'hh' at the ending of lines
:g/read/p - prints all occurances of `read' [kind of like a Unix grep]
% Display current filename
CTRL G shows the total no of lines in a file
:%s/text/replacetext/g to replace text
:uparrow for the above replacement command
:3,18d delete lines 3 through 18
ln -s file_name link_name
gf to move to a file in vi editor to come back type :bd or :e#
cat encounter.log
grep error
(VISUAL BLOCK) CTRL-V select lines to place text and type SHIFT I and type text u want and press escape
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