Thursday, April 15, 2010

Halo,blockage,fence, region definitions

Halo: Is not a hard constraint.

Suppose say, a routing halo, It won't stop you routing on the specified place if you give halo there.

But, It would certainly stop you from routing in the specified blockage.

Fence: If you have different modules defined in your netlist you would generally prefer them to keep in a specified area where you don't want to keep other module cells.

Tool neither allow other group cells to sit in that perticular fence nor allow the cells from the group out of fence.

Guide: You have the flexibility of moving the cells in and out of the design area.

Region: You could move other group cells into the region but not the region cells to out of the area.

All these are the ways of representations to tell the tool what to do exactly.

1 comment:

Rebecca A. Maynard said...

a great impact on the look of the house because it made the garden and pool area appear even more gorgeous with the sleek new lvinyl picket fence